TechnologIes of ROVéo
0% AI - 100% Mechanical Intelligence
Extended Mobility
At ROVENSO, we use a novel patented kinematic architecture for the chassis of ROVéo, offering increased mobility and adaptability.
This four-wheeled robot have no other actuators than for the wheel motorization, but can overcome obstacles bigger than twice its wheel size. It is the result of years of research in the field of planetary exploration lead by EPFL (Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne)
Key advantages provided
- Very low consumption offering 8 hours of continuous operation
- Ability to overcome vertical steps of 37cm
- Ability to overcome most stairs in urban evnironment
- Ability to turn on spot with very low friction
- compact size allows for both indoor and outdoor missions
Key advantages provided
- Mapping of a new site is done using the robot in 20 minutes / ha.
- 24/7 Operations through automatic recharging
- Navigation is in GPS denied or GPS degraded environment
- Continuous monitoring is insured for all weather conditions, at any time
- Doubt removal is done remotely. Your employees are out of harm's way
0% AI - 100% Smart Algorithms and statistics models
Unsupervised Patrolling
ROVéo fuses measurements from GPS (outside and where available) and LiDARs to build its own 3D map of the environment. It then uses this digital map for both localisation and fully autonomous navigation. Unexpected obstacles are detected by the LiDARs allowing to avoid them safely.
100% fully embedded AI
Multimodal Anomaly Detection
The embedded AI performs anomaly detection with the help of its multimodal sensor fusion (high resolution volumetry, acoustic analysis, Machine Learning applied on thermal vision as well as on night vision).
Key advantages provided
- Reliability in security detection in all weather conditions
- GDPR compliant by design, ROVéo can anonymize data in public area
- Anticipating safety risks lower your maintenance costs
- A perfect vision and understanding of the situation even by very dark nights
- Every security anomaly is recorded with 2 minutes history
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